Short stories are one of the best ways to achieve a sense of calm and peace of mind. Reading stories before bed provides a wonderful escape from the pressures of daily life and routine. In the midst of life's chaos, these stories offer a soothing retreat, bringing moments of tranquility and serenity before drifting into a restful night's sleep. Here is a collection of short bedtime stories for adults that you can read online.
Online Bedtime Stories For Adults
1- The Farmer’s Daughter and the Deceitful Man Story
A poor Indian farmer borrowed a large sum of money from a greedy man known for cheating and deception. The farmer borrowed this amount to treat his wife, who had fallen seriously ill, as he did not have enough money to buy the treatment.
The farmer's daughter was very beautiful. The deceitful man wanted to marry her, but she rejected him. So, he pressured her father and said to him: "What do you think about marrying your daughter to me and being exempted from paying your debt?"
The farmer rejected this idea, so the deceitful man suggested another idea and told him: "Let fate determine if your daughter will be my wife or not. What do you think if I put two stones in a bag—a black stone and a white stone? If your daughter chooses the black stone, she will be my wife, and I will waive the debt. If she chooses the white stone, you will be exempted from paying the debt, and your daughter will not be my wife. But if your daughter refuses to pick up any stone, you will be imprisoned if you do not pay the debt."
The farmer was afraid and hesitant, so his daughter approached him and said to him in his ear: "Agree, father, and don't worry."
The deceitful man summoned some of the villagers, and they all went to a land full of stones. While everyone was distracted in the discussion, the man bent down, picked up two black stones, and put them in the bag.
The farmer's daughter was very attentive and noticed that the man had put two black stones in the bag. Afterward, the man asked the girl to pick up a stone from the bag.
The girl was very smart. She put her hand into the bag, chose a stone, and closed her hand tightly over it so that its color would not be visible. After she took out the stone, she pretended to stumble, and the stone fell to the ground.
Everyone asked her about the color of the stone she had picked up. The girl said: "How foolish of me! I didn’t see the color of the stone I picked up, and the ground is full of white and black stones. But we can look at the stone left in the bag to know the color of the one I chose."
Everyone looked inside the bag and found the black stone, which meant the girl had picked the white stone. Thus, the farmer was relieved of the debt he owed to the deceitful man.
As for the deceitful man, he was unable to expose himself in front of the people and was forced to give up the money he had lent to the farmer.
{short bedtime stories online}
2- A True Bedtime Story
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David Lloyd George |
The head of the Doctors Syndicate congratulated the graduates, gave them some advice, and told them this story:
"One cold winter night, lightning and thunder covered the sky, and it was raining heavily. In the midst of this extremely cold weather, a woman knocked on my door. When I opened the door, she said to me while crying: 'Please, Doctor, come with me now. My son is sick and in a very serious condition.'
"I did not hesitate for a moment to help this woman and her son. I left everything I was doing, took some medicine and a first-aid kit, and went with the woman. She lived in one of the poor neighborhoods of London. After a difficult journey in this weather, we arrived at her house. She was living in a small room, and her son was lying in pain in the corner of the room.
"I examined the child carefully and reassured his mother. After that, I told her about specific foods for the child to eat and gave her the medicine for free. When I had finished, the woman offered me some money, but I refused to take it."
After the doctor finished his story, he said to the new graduates: "My sons, this is the medical profession. It is a profession of mercy and giving, the closest profession to God."
When the doctor finished his speech, the Prime Minister came to the podium and said to the doctor: "Sir, it is an honor to see you today. I have been looking for you for twenty years. I am the child you mentioned in this story, and I have been searching for you to thank you. My mother made me promise before her death to look for you, and today fate has brought us together after all these years. Thank you very much for the good you did for my mother and me, and thank you for refusing to take money from us when you knew we were poor."
This poor child, whom the doctor treated for free, was the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Lloyd George.
You will reap what you sow in your life, good or evil, even if it is after many years.
{short stories for adults online}
3- A Great Story About Doing Good
A young man entered a restaurant, and after he ate, he asked for the bill. After that, he stretched his hand into his pocket and did not find the wallet. The young man felt worried and embarrassed, and his face turned red. He searched for the wallet thoroughly in all his pockets, but he did not find it.
The young man looked under the table and around the restaurant, hoping to find the wallet, but unfortunately, he did not find it. The young man did not know if it had fallen in the street or if someone had stolen it from him.
In the end, the young man decided to go to the restaurant cashier and offer his watch as a pledge, promising to bring the money the next day. So he went to him, and before he could say a single word, the cashier said to him: "Your bill is paid!"
The young man was very surprised and asked him: "Who paid the bill?"
Cashier: "A foreign tourist was sitting next to you, and when he noticed your confusion and anxiety, he paid your bill."
Young man: "But how am I going to pay him back? Maybe I won't see him again."
The cashier said: "You can pay the bill of another person in another place who is in the same situation. In this way, goodness is passed on between people."
{moral stories to read online}
4- A Sad Bedtime Story for Adults
This is a true story that happened in Egypt. A young man was shopping in a Carrefour hypermarket when an old man in a wheelchair approached him and said: "Please, son, I want to buy a mobile phone. Can you tell me where mobile phones are sold?"The young man took him to the section that sold mobile phones. After that, the old man asked the young man to help him choose an expensive mobile phone. The young man was a little surprised, so the old man noticed his wonder and said: "This mobile phone is for my granddaughter, Pinar, who is 13 years old."
The young man suggested some mobile phones for the man to choose from, but the old man said: "I want the most expensive one." So the young man brought him an iPhone 6, which was the most expensive mobile phone in the market at that time.
The old man asked him: "This mobile phone will make my granddaughter proud of me, right? In fact, she does not love me because I am paralyzed. I can't even enter the bathroom alone, and her mother is the one who helps me. I often hear her talking badly about me in front of her mother; I even once heard her say to her friend on the phone that I am disabled!"
The young man was saddened by what he heard and said to the old man: "Sorry, father, but why do you want to buy an expensive mobile phone for an impolite girl?"
The old man replied: "I am 78 years old; my days in this world are numbered. All I want is for my granddaughter to talk about me kindly after I die."
The young man was deeply affected by the man's story and said to him: "May God grant you a long life and bless your health."
The old man paid for the mobile phone and took it. After that, he said to the young man: "Can you write a letter and put it inside the phone for my granddaughter? I am sorry, son; I know I have made you tired."
The young man said: "No need to apologize, father. I will write what you want to say to your granddaughter."
After that, the young man wrote down what the old man said. When he finished, the old man asked him to photograph the letter to show people how much he loved his granddaughter. This is the letter the grandfather wrote to his granddaughter:
My beautiful sweetheart Pinar, I am very sorry for my disability, but it is not my fault. I will die soon, so I brought you this mobile phone so that you will remember me after I die. I chose the best mobile phone so that you can be proud of me instead of being ashamed of me. Your grandfather who loves you, Muhammad Saeed.
This is the grandfather's letter to his granddaughter, which the young man photographed.
5- The Fruit Seller Story
This is a real story that happened in one of the fruit shops in Egypt, where a man went to a fruit shop and asked the seller about the price of strawberries and bananas. The seller replied: "The price of a kilo of strawberries is 12 pounds, and the price of a kilo of bananas is 10 pounds."
After a while, a woman entered the shop and asked the seller about the prices, and the seller told her: "The price of a kilo of strawberries is 3 pounds, and the price of a kilo of bananas is 2 pounds!"
The man looked at the seller with contempt and almost quarreled with him, so the seller asked him to be patient. The woman took strawberries and bananas, thanked the seller a lot, and then went to make her children happy.
After the woman had left the shop, the seller said to the customer: "The prices that I told you are the market prices, and you can ask in other shops. This woman has three children; her husband died a while ago, and the aid she gets from the state does not exceed 500 pounds. She has self-esteem and refuses to take money from me, so I tell her that fruit prices are low, so she does not feel embarrassed."
The seller continued his speech and said to the customer: "The day this woman comes, God compensates me a lot and increases my profits."
In the end, the customer apologized to the seller for his misunderstanding and said to him: "May God fill your life with happiness, good health, and prosperity."
{short stories online for adults}
6- The Story of The Violinist
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Fritz Chrysler |
Fritz went and worked hard day and night until he collected the amount for the violin. After that, Fritz went to the seller and was very excited to buy this rare instrument, but unfortunately for him, the seller told him that one of the rich men who collects rare antiques had bought this instrument to put it in his own museum. Fritz was disappointed, but he decided to go to this rich man to buy the violin from him.
Fritz went to the man's museum and asked him to sell him the violin at any price he wanted. The rich man refused and told him that he would not part with this instrument at any price. Fritz felt great sadness and begged the man a lot to sell him the violin, but the rich man refused because this violin was one of the most important musical masterpieces that he owned in his museum.
In the end, Fritz asked the museum owner to let him play the violin one last time before he sentenced it to silence for life. The man agreed, and Fritz began to play, filling the museum with sweet music that shook the feelings and hearts of everyone there. The museum owner felt very ashamed because he intended to deprive people of hearing the beautiful musical masterpieces played by this young man.
After Fritz finished, he gave the violin back to the museum owner, but the man refused to take it and said to him: "I do not have the right to keep this violin; it is yours, Mr. Fritz. Take it and play it so that the world can enjoy the wonderful music you play."
If you do not know, this young man is the famous Austrian composer and violinist Fritz Kreisler.
{bedtime stories for adults online}
7- The Caliph’s Horse Story
Caliph Al-Ma'mun had a purebred Arabian horse. One day, the head of one of the tribes asked to buy the horse from Al-Ma'mun, but Al-Ma'mun refused to sell it. So, the head of the tribe decided to obtain it by deception.
It was known that Al-Ma'mun took his horse every day and went to the forest to enjoy the beauty of nature. One day, the head of the tribe came to him disguised as an old beggar. He told Al-Ma'mun that he could not walk and begged him to let him ride the horse to the nearest health center.
Al-Ma'mun agreed and helped him to mount the horse. But as soon as the head of the tribe settled on top of the horse, he kicked it with his leg. The horse sped off, moving far away from Al-Ma'mun. After the man had moved a safe distance away, Al-Ma'mun called out to him in a loud voice: "Stop for a moment!"
The man stopped, feeling secure now that he was far from Al-Ma'mun. Then Al-Ma'mun said to him:
"You have taken my favorite horse, but please do not tell anyone how you got it. If your trick becomes known, people may refuse to help someone who truly needs assistance, fearing they might fall victim to such deception."
{short bedtime stories for adults free}
8- A Bedtime Story For Adults Online
The story tells of an old man who fell ill due to his advanced age. The old man was admitted to the hospital, and every day, a young man came to visit him.
The young man ate with the old man every day, and then they walked and talked together in the hospital garden. Afterward, the young man would take the old man back to his room and help him get ready to sleep. Once the old man was asleep, the young man quietly left the hospital after ensuring he was well.
One day, a nurse came to the old man to give him his medicine. She said to him, "You are very lucky to have a son like him. It's rare these days to see such a devoted son. He loves you so much."
The old man smiled and replied, "I wish he were my son! This young man is not my son, as you think. He lives in the neighborhood where I live, and when his father died, he sat crying in front of his house. I saw him, bought him candy, and consoled him.
"Since that day, he has never stopped visiting me. When I fell ill and had to come to the hospital, he left everything to stay by my side. As you can see, he visits me every day. And when I ask him not to come so frequently so he can focus on his work and interests, he smiles and says:
'I will visit you every day, as the taste of that candy is still in my mouth.'"
9- The Outstanding Student And Vegetable Seller Story
This is a true story that happened in Iraq in 1956, when a professor visited a brilliant student at his home. This student had refrained from attending university for a long period, so the professor visited him to check on him.
The professor arrived at the student's house, which was a single room full of cracks. The student welcomed the professor and offered him a cup of tea. After that, the professor asked him: "Why haven't you come to the university for such a long time?"
Student: "Science does not buy a bundle of watercress!" The professor was surprised by this answer, and before he could utter a single word, the student continued and said:
"Several days ago, I felt very hungry, and I only had a penny and a half. I bought bread for a penny and went to the vegetable seller to buy a bundle of watercress for half a penny. The watercress price was a penny, and the seller refused to sell it to me for half a penny.
"I tried to offer the seller anything in exchange for a bundle of watercress, so I said to him: 'I can tell you a story in literature or teach you anything you want to know in Arabic in exchange for a bundle of watercress.'
"The seller laughed a lot and said to me mockingly: 'Your knowledge doesn't buy watercress!'"
The student was very upset, and from that day, he refrained from going to university and decided to leave his studies to get a job through which he could buy the food he needed.
The professor felt sad about the student's decision, but he did not comment or give him any advice. Instead, he gave him a gold ring and said to him: "Sell this ring, and we will meet tomorrow and talk again." Then the professor said goodbye to the student and left.
The next day, the professor and the student met again. The student had sold the ring at a good price, so the professor asked him: "Where did you sell the ring?"
Student: "At the gold shop."
Professor: "Why didn't you sell the ring to the vegetable seller?"
Student: "The vegetable seller does not appreciate the value of gold, and he would not have paid a good price for it."
The professor said: "The vegetable seller also did not appreciate the value of science because science is like gold."
The student understood the lesson and realized that science has great value, but he had made a mistake by presenting it to the wrong person.
{short bedtime stories for kids and adults}
10- Examine Yourself Well, A Short Bedtime Story
In 1977, an American woman named Laura Schultz, 63 years old, was in the kitchen of her home in Florida. She was preparing food for her 6-year-old grandson when she heard him screaming outside the house.
Laura ran outside and found her grandson's arm trapped under the rear tire of a car. Laura rushed toward her grandson and lifted the back of the car by herself to free the child's arm. Laura was an ordinary woman; she was not a weightlifter. On the contrary, she suffered from back and joint pain.
In an interview, Laura said she felt remorseful and sad because she had wasted most of her life, unaware of her true capabilities and potential. Laura mentioned that she had wanted to achieve many things in her life, but the fear of failure had prevented her from pursuing her goals.
Laura returned to university to fulfill her dream of becoming a professor. She succeeded in earning a doctorate and became a university professor at the age of 70.
There is one secret to success: for a person to believe in themselves.
Here's the end of the stories.
See you in new stories ❤️
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