Helping others and doing good deeds bring countless benefits, not only to individuals but also to the progress and prosperity of society as a whole. Acts of kindness foster a spirit of cooperation, generosity, and love, while strengthening the bonds of unity among people. Moreover, helping others fills the heart with a deep sense of contentment and joy. Here is a collection of inspiring short stories that highlight the beauty and impact of helping others.
Inspirational Short Stories About Helping Others And Doing Good
1- A True Story About Doing Good
The farmer left his work immediately and ran toward the sound. When the farmer reached the source of the sound, he found a small child in a deep pit, screaming out of fear.
The farmer made a great effort to get the child out of the pit, and after several attempts, he managed to get the child out of the pit unharmed.
The next day, a luxurious carriage came to the house of the poor farmer, and a very rich man came down from the carriage and told the farmer that he was the father of the child who had been saved by the farmer the previous day.
The farmer welcomed the guest, and the man thanked him greatly for saving his son and gave him a large amount of money. However, the farmer refused to take anything. The rich man tried many times to compensate him, but the farmer refused to accept compensation in exchange for saving the child.
At this moment, a little boy dressed in simple clothes came out of the hut in which the farmer lived. The rich man asked the farmer, "Is this child your son?" The farmer proudly replied, "Yes, he is my son."
After that, the rich man offered to help the farmer’s child with his education, saying to him, “I will give him the same level of education that I give my son.” The farmer agreed to this proposal, and his son was educated in the best schools for the nobles until he graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School.
Do you know who the son of the poor farmer is?
He is the Scottish physician and scientist who discovered penicillin, Alexander Fleming.
The years passed, and the rich man who had helped the child with his education fell seriously ill with a lung condition. The person who saved his life this time was Alexander Fleming.
This rich man was Lord Randolph Churchill, and his son, who had been saved by the farmer, was Sir Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War II.
The simple good you do has great results that you can't imagine.
{Stories on helping others}
2- A Short Story About Helping Others
Argentine golfer Roberto De Vicenzo won the PGA Tour Championship, and after winning, he received a check for a large sum of money. At the end of the day, the player left the club, and as soon as he got into his car, a poor woman approached him and said to him, crying: "I have a son between life and death because he suffers from a serious illness, and I am unable to provide the required amount for the surgery."
Roberto was moved by the woman's story, and without much thought, he took out the check he had received from the club, gave it to the poor woman, and said to her, “Make your son's days full of joy and happiness.”
A week later, Roberto was at the club when one of the workers said to him, "One of the children told me that you met a woman outside the club after you won the championship." Roberto confirmed the news to him, and the worker told him that this woman is a liar and tricks people into taking their money.
Roberto asked, "So, her son is not sick and is not dying?"
The worker replied, "Yes, her son is fine and in good health."
Roberto felt joy and said, "This is the best news I've ever heard!"
{Stories about serving others}
3- The Story Of The Old Woman And The Hunchback Man
Once upon a time, there was an old woman who made bread daily for her family. The woman used to put a loaf of bread outside her house every day for anyone in need.
There was a hunchback man who passed by the old woman's house every day, taking a loaf of bread and saying: The good you do comes back to you, and the evil you do stays with you!
The hunchback man used to take the loaf of bread every day, and instead of showing his gratitude to the woman, he kept repeating the same sentence. The old woman got upset with this man because of his ingratitude, so she decided to put poison in the bread to get rid of him. Indeed, the woman put poison in the bread and placed it in the window of her house.
The man came, took the bread, and said to the woman: The evil you do will come back to you! At this moment, the woman's heart pounded, and she said to herself, What am I doing? Am I causing the death of a man in the last days of my life? And here, the woman hurriedly took the bread from the man and said to him: This is stale bread; I put it out for the cats. Come with me, and I will give you a fresh loaf.
After that, the woman entered the house, brought a fresh loaf of bread and a bottle of water, and gave them to the hunchback man. Here the man thanked the woman for her kindness and tenderness because she did not allow him to eat stale bread.
The man went on his way, and the woman burned the poisoned loaf of bread. That evening, someone knocked on the old woman's door, and she was surprised when she opened it and found her son, who had been absent for many years. Her son was in a mess; his clothes were almost torn, and his face was pale.
The woman hugged her son, kissed him, and prepared the most luxurious food for him. Before the son told his mother what had happened to him during the past years, he said to her first: My being here alive is a miracle. Two miles (3.22 km) away from home, I met a hunchback man who gave me a loaf of bread and a bottle of water. I almost died of hunger and thirst without the help of this man.
The old woman was terrified because she had almost killed her son that day. She thanked her Lord immensely, who had made her burn the poisoned bread, and she remembered the words of the hunchback man:
The good you do comes back to you.
{Stories about helping others}
4- A Great Story About Helping Others
William Waldorf Astor and his wife were traveling at night, and that night the weather turned. The storm covered all the roads, and William couldn't drive in such difficult weather, so he stopped in front of a small hotel to spend the night with his wife and complete the trip in the morning.
The couple entered the hotel, and William asked the receptionist for a room for one night. The receptionist said to him: Unfortunately, sir, all the rooms are full, and there is no vacant room. William said: Please, we want any room. The weather is dangerous outside, and we cannot continue our journey in these circumstances. The receptionist contacted other nearby hotels to find him a room for one night, but unfortunately, all the nearby hotels were full.
When the couple was preparing to leave the hotel, the receptionist stopped them and said: You can spend this night in my private room. I work until morning and don't need it for anything. Do you accept to sleep tonight in my humble room? While the couple was thinking about it, the receptionist took out the key to the room, gave it to them, and asked the worker to carry the guests' bags to his room.
In the morning, the sun rose, and the weather improved. The couple prepared to leave the hotel. While they were leaving, William said to the receptionist: Young man, it is not enough to be a receptionist; you must run the best hotel in the USA. I am going to build this hotel for you and make you its CEO.
Two years later, the receptionist received an envelope containing a ticket to New York and a letter from the man who had been rescued by him two years earlier, inviting him to visit New York.
When the young man arrived in the city, William took him to a huge building and told him: This is the hotel I built for you. The young man was surprised and thought the man was joking with him, so William took him inside the hotel and to a room marked CEO Room.
This hotel is the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, one of the most luxurious hotels in the United States of America and the world, and the receptionist is George Charles Boldt Jr., who remained the CEO of the hotel for twenty-three years until his death.
5- The Story Of The Poor Beggar And The Violinist
About a century ago, a poor beggar used to stand on a bridge in London to play his violin. The poor man was sad all the time because his music did not attract the attention of passersby.
One day, while the poor man was playing the violin, a strange man stopped next to him. The beggar asked him to give him alms, but the stranger did not give him money. Instead, he did another unexpected thing: the strange man took his violin and started playing it. Unusually, the music attracted a passerby, who stopped to listen, then threw money into the beggar's hat.
The stranger continued to play beautiful music. The crowd increased; everyone wanted to listen, and the hat was filled with money. A police officer came, and the music attracted him, so he stood with the people to enjoy these sweet tunes.
The beggar was very happy with the large amount of money he earned that day. The strange man who was playing was the famous musician Niccolò Paganini.
{True stories of helping others}
6- A Short Inspirational Story About Helping The Poor
Yousra was born into a very rich family and lived in a large palace full of servants and workers. She was very beautiful and modest, and every day she would prepare food by herself and leave the palace to distribute it to the poor and needy.
Her father would always quarrel with her and say to her: "You are a rich girl; you can order the servants to prepare food and order the workers to distribute it instead of going out every day in the rain and cold." Her answer was that she loved this work, which brought her joy and happiness and made her feel calm.
Yousra used to go out daily, early, to deliver meals to the needy, and all the poor loved her. One bright day, her father went out to work and took all the workers with him. Yousra had prepared a lot of food, so she decided to take all the servants to help her distribute the food. And the palace became empty.
At noon, a huge fire broke out in the palace, so the neighbors called the father. He came running and was very afraid for his daughter. When he arrived, he sat crying and screaming because he thought he had lost his only daughter.
After a while, the father heard a voice saying: "Do not be sad, Dad, for the palace; God will compensate you with good." The father was surprised when he saw his daughter, hugged her, and cried with joy.
The daughter told her father that she went out with all the servants in the morning in order to distribute food to the poor. Her father was sure that God had saved her thanks to her good work and her constant assistance to others.
The father thanked God so much, and from that moment on, he did not stop doing good and helping others.
{Motivational stories about doing good}
7- The Story Of The Richest Child In The World
A young child entered an ice cream shop and asked the girl working there about the price of chocolate ice cream. The girl answered him, "Five dollars." The child then asked her about the price of vanilla ice cream. The girl replied, "Four dollars." So, the child asked her to bring a cup of vanilla ice cream.
The child’s clothes were very simple, and it was clear that he was poor. The girl brought him the ice cream, and the child thanked her and sat down to enjoy the most beautiful meal that children love. The shop was very crowded, and the child was eating very slowly. At this time, a rich family entered the shop. There were no empty tables, so the girl said to them, "Wait only two minutes; this child is about to finish."
The girl went to the child and said to him, "Hurry up. The shop is crowded, and there are no empty tables." Unfortunately, the girl treated the child roughly because he was poor and asked him to leave the place as soon as possible, even though there were many people who came before him and were still sitting!
The child ate the ice cream quickly and left the payment on the table. Then, he thanked the girl and left the shop quietly. The girl hurried to clean the table, and here was the surprise: the child had left $5 on the table. The child deprived himself of the chocolate ice cream so that he could leave a tip for the girl.
The girl was very sad and felt remorseful because of her harsh treatment of this polite and gentle child. She hurried out of the shop to follow him and apologize, but she could not find him. The girl waited many days for the child to return to the shop so she could compensate for her bad treatment, but the boy never came back.
This child was poor, but he had a great inner wealth that you will not find among the richest people in the world.
{Inspiring stories with moral lessons}
8- The Story Of The Stupidest Dog In The World!
The butcher was sitting in his shop when a dog came to him with an envelope containing a message that read: "A kilo of meat." Inside the envelope was the money for the meat. The butcher was surprised by what he saw, so he prepared a kilo of meat, put it in a bag, and gave it to the dog.
The dog grabbed the bag with his mouth and left quickly. The butcher was amazed by the dog's intelligence and was very curious to know where the dog would go, so he left the shop and followed him.
The butcher walked behind the dog and found him stopping at the bus station, waiting for the bus to arrive. When the bus came, the dog boarded like the rest of the passengers. The butcher followed him and sat near him to watch his actions. When the conductor came, the dog gave him the money for the ticket as if he were a passenger like the rest. When the next station approached, the dog stood in front of the bus door and barked at the driver to stop. The driver stopped, and he too was amazed by the dog's intelligence.
The dog got off the bus, and the butcher followed him. The dog went to a house near the station, and when he tried to open the door, he couldn't. So the dog banged on the window of the house until someone came to open the door. After a while, a man opened the door, shouted at the dog, insulted him, and kicked him hard.
The butcher couldn't bear what happened to the dog and couldn't control himself. He hurriedly shouted at the man: "Is there no mercy in your heart? Why are you so tough on the dog? It's the smartest dog I've ever seen!"
The man replied angrily: "You think this dog is smart? It's the stupidest dog in the world! This is the second time this week he forgot the house key!"
This is not just a story for entertainment; it is a story that expresses a painful reality we live in. You may have noticed someone who did their best to please others but did not receive the appreciation they deserved and didn’t even hear a word of thanks!
9- The Story of the Merciful Judge
There were two friends who had a strong friendship from childhood until high school, but after high school, each of them entered a different college and stayed away from each other because of the distractions of life. One of them studied law and succeeded in his academic and social life; the other became addicted to alcohol and gambling, and because of that, he was fired from his job and became a social outcast.
One day, the security men arrested the addicted friend for breaking traffic laws, and he was brought to trial. What a surprise it was for the addict to find that the judge who would sentence him was his childhood friend. He cried and felt ashamed. The judge was very sad about his friend's condition, and he faced two difficult choices: to either apply the law and judge his friend or respect the friendship and pardon him.
Everyone was waiting for the judge's ruling, and all relatives and acquaintances were present at this session. They knew very well that the judge was a friend of the offender, which made them feel a little reassured.
The time of the verdict came, and everyone was shocked when the judge issued his ruling. He had sentenced his childhood friend to pay the maximum fine. After issuing his judgment, he went to his friend's family and gave them enough money to pay the fine.
This honest judge didn't break faith, and he didn't allow his friend to spend even one day in prison.
{Motivational short stories about helping others}
10- Ruler of Barbarous Tribes: A Story on Helping Others
The Emperor of China trusted his minister, Wu Feng, because he was wise and firm, so he made him a ruler over the group of tribes living in the Formosa Mountains. These tribes were very barbaric and violent, but Feng was very firm with them. When he punished someone, he talked to him and explained the reason for the punishment.The tribes loved him because of his kindness and justice, and many of their violent temperaments changed. However, there was one annual habit that Feng could not stop: on the feast of their god, some tribal leaders would come down from the mountains to the road leading to the villages, kill the first human they met, cut off his head, and offer it as a sacrifice to their god.
Feng made great efforts to stop this custom, but they completely refused to abolish it. One day, Feng received a message from the Emperor of China saying, "If the habit of beheading doesn't stop on the day of the feast, I will have to summon you to China."
After reading the message, Feng summoned the leaders of the tribes and said to them very firmly, "Honorable leaders, I have tried to be nice to you, but you are determined to disobey. Tomorrow night, I will allow the tribes for the last time to practice this habit. Tomorrow will be the last victim. When the moon appears, you will find a man coming wearing a red cloak. If you want to present him as a sacrifice, cut his neck, but remember that I will no longer allow this habit to be repeated."
The leaders agreed angrily, and the next day, when the moon appeared, they came down from the mountains and found a man wearing a red cloak. They began to sing to their god. Then one of them came forward and struck the head of this stranger. They carried his head and went to the chief of the tribes to give it as a sacrifice to their god.
In the light of the fire torch, the chief of the tribes looked at the head and shouted loudly. Then there was a terrible silence in the place. When the leaders looked toward the head, they found it was the head of their beloved friend Feng!
Feng preferred to die rather than let an innocent person die. He wanted to give them a practical lesson to realize the ugliness of what they were doing. And Feng's death was the last crime they committed to offer a sacrifice to their god.
Here's the end of the stories.
See you in new stories ❤️
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