The inspiring stories motivate children and youth to embrace creativity, innovation, and success, helping them think more effectively. Therefore, we present to you a collection of inspiring short stories about positive attitudes, real-life situations, and extraordinary people, emphasizing the importance and power of positivity in people's hearts.
Parents sat with their children in the primary schoolyard at the annual ceremony to distribute prizes to the excellent students. The headmaster gave a speech on this occasion, and then he started calling out the excellent students. After that, the outstanding student, amidst the applause of the attendees, would go to the stage to shake hands with the headmaster and take the appreciation certificate.
When the headmaster finished reciting the names of the top students, he called the name of Isaac Newton, and no one stood at first. Newton didn't believe his ears and couldn't imagine that he would obtain a special certificate, especially since he was the only student who had failed in all subjects.
The headmaster called the student again and asked him to come to the stage. The boy walked stumbling to the stage, and the headmaster shook his hand warmly and handed him the certificate. Then the headmaster said:
This student had failed in all subjects, and yet he is an excellent student. He is the greatest and most polite of the school’s students. I am very proud that this student is in my school. Every day, he gives an example to his colleagues in good manners, and I think that despite his failure this year in all subjects, he is going to succeed excellently next year because a student like this will be able to overcome failure and turn it into success.
Then everyone stood up to applaud with admiration for the headmaster's interest even in the failed pupils and for encouraging them to succeed. Indeed, thanks to this kind and encouraging speech, this headmaster contributed to changing the student who had failed in all subjects to become one of the greatest scientists of the 18th century in physics and mathematics.
This is a realistic story that shows the power of a kind word that can lift a person from the depths of failure to the heights of success.
Inspiring Short Stories on Positive Attitude
1- A Story About The Encouraging Word

Isaac Newton as a child
Parents sat with their children in the primary schoolyard at the annual ceremony to distribute prizes to the excellent students. The headmaster gave a speech on this occasion, and then he started calling out the excellent students. After that, the outstanding student, amidst the applause of the attendees, would go to the stage to shake hands with the headmaster and take the appreciation certificate.
When the headmaster finished reciting the names of the top students, he called the name of Isaac Newton, and no one stood at first. Newton didn't believe his ears and couldn't imagine that he would obtain a special certificate, especially since he was the only student who had failed in all subjects.
The headmaster called the student again and asked him to come to the stage. The boy walked stumbling to the stage, and the headmaster shook his hand warmly and handed him the certificate. Then the headmaster said:
This student had failed in all subjects, and yet he is an excellent student. He is the greatest and most polite of the school’s students. I am very proud that this student is in my school. Every day, he gives an example to his colleagues in good manners, and I think that despite his failure this year in all subjects, he is going to succeed excellently next year because a student like this will be able to overcome failure and turn it into success.
Then everyone stood up to applaud with admiration for the headmaster's interest even in the failed pupils and for encouraging them to succeed. Indeed, thanks to this kind and encouraging speech, this headmaster contributed to changing the student who had failed in all subjects to become one of the greatest scientists of the 18th century in physics and mathematics.
This is a realistic story that shows the power of a kind word that can lift a person from the depths of failure to the heights of success.
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2- A Story About The Kind Word
One day, the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy was coming down from his house, and on his way, he met a poor young man who used to take help from him. When Tolstoy put his hand in his pocket, he didn't find his money bag. He smiled at the man and said to him: "Excuse me, brother, I forgot my money bag at home." The man said: "Believe me, sir, you gave me more than all people gave me when you called me brother."
My dear reader,
The people around us are in dire need of a kind word. For some people, the kind word is greater than the treasures of the entire world because of its profound positive impact on them.
Do you know that in an Indian myth, the goddess of power was asked: "You are more violent than the wind and stronger than the waves. Is there anything stronger than you?" The Goddess of Strength replied: "Kind words are stronger than me."
The kind word is your way to people's hearts.
3- A Story About The Power of Word
Stanton, one of Abraham Lincoln's ministers, wrote a report in which he described President Lincoln as an ignorant, foolish man. When Lincoln learned about this, he said that his minister, Stanton, was a reasonable man, and if he said, "I was ignorant," it would be better for me to check my knowledge.
The kind word comforts the soul and makes the heart happy.
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4- Overcome Evil With Good
There was a problem for the sheep breeder because of his neighbor's dogs that were chasing and killing his sheep. When this went on for a long time, the shepherd decided to take action. What would his reaction be, from your point of view?
Maybe he could sue, and he would certainly have the right to put down his neighbor's dogs when they entered his property. He could also build a bigger and better fence. But he didn’t choose any of these options because he had a better idea: he gave a sheep to each neighbor. After a short time, all the neighbors owned a small herd of sheep, and they started to tie their dogs. Thus, the problem of killing sheep was solved peacefully.
Evil can only be defeated by good.
5- Story Regarding Positive Attitude
This is a true story that happened in one of the metro stations in Egypt. There was a college student who rode the metro to go to university. The young man sat in one of the seats and took a book out of his bag to read.
As the student was reading, a skinny man, about sixty years old, came and put his hand on the young man's shoulder and said to him: "Take rusks!" The student replied: "Thank you, uncle." After that, the man offered rusks to everyone in the metro; some accepted his offer, and others thanked him for his generosity.
The student continued reading, but the image of the man did not leave his mind. How could a simple man like him, wearing shabby clothes and torn boots—a man who looked tired and exhausted, and it was very clear that he was poor—ask people to eat with him?
Some time passed, and a young boy, about 15 years old, entered the metro to sell newspapers. The boy said in a loud voice: "Read the latest news!" but no one bought from him. Before he got off the metro, the poor man who had been distributing rusks called out to him and said:
"I want a newspaper with the latest news about the Egyptian League."
The boy replied: "This newspaper contains the league rankings and news about players and clubs."
The man asked: "How much does the newspaper cost?"
The boy answered: "Only three pounds."
The poor man took out three pounds and gave them to the boy. After the boy got off at the metro station, the man asked the student: "What is written in this picture?"
The student was very surprised and asked: "You don't know how to read?"
The man replied: "Unfortunately, I can't read or write."
The student asked: "Why did you buy the newspaper if you can't read?"
The man responded: "Because the boy was going around selling newspapers in this cold weather, and no one bought from him. So I bought a newspaper to support him and make him happy."
This is the story of a simple man who feels compassion and pity for others despite the cruelty of the days upon him. A man who has great inner peace despite the disturbing circumstances around him.
{positive mindset stories}
6- No More Conflict From Today
One of the lawyers was a strange man in the eyes of many, and one day he bought land with legal problems. When the lawyer received the land, he said to the neighbor: "What is your request about the limits of the land?"
The neighbor replied: "Your current limit is located on my land at a distance of two feet on one side and a foot on the other side."
The lawyer said: "Move it onto my land to a distance of four feet on one side and two feet on the other side."
The neighbor exclaimed: "But this is twice the amount!"
The lawyer replied: "I don't care; there have been enough disputes over this land, and I want you to take enough to make our neighborly relationships good."
The neighbor was silent for a moment because he was ready to quarrel, but the lawyer didn't give him a chance to do so! Therefore, he said:
"Sir, I won't move the limit from its place because my disputes were not about the land but about principle."
The whole world cannot accommodate two people who hate each other, but a small nest can accommodate two lovers.
7- Behind The Window Story
In one of the hospitals, there were two elderly patients in the same room, both of whom had chronic diseases. Fortunately for one of them, his bed was next to the only window in the room, while the other’s bed was farther away.
The two old men spent their days talking without seeing each other because they were lying on their backs, staring at the ceiling. Every day, after the afternoon, the first man would sit up in his bed, gaze out the window, and describe to his friend the beauty of life in the outside world. The other man eagerly awaited this hour to listen to his friend’s descriptions of the outside world. He listened in amazement to these wonderful depictions, then closed his eyes and began to imagine that beautiful view of life.
One day, the patient next to the window passed away. The other patient asked to move his bed closer to the window, and his request was granted. He remembered the fascinating stories his friend had shared and mourned his loss. Then, he decided to look out the window to see the marvelous outside world for himself.
And here was the surprise!
He saw only one of the hospital walls in front of him because the window overlooked a courtyard inside the hospital. The man was shocked and called the nurse, asking her if this was the same window through which his friend had been looking. She replied: "This room has only one window."
When he told her about what his friend had described to him, the nurse was very surprised and said:
"But the deceased was blind."
This old man wanted to make his friend happy and give him hope so that he would not become bored, feel despair, or wish to die.
{positive thinking short stories}
8- Short Story on Positive Attitude
In one of the Arab countries, there was a good wife. She was married to a nervous and cruel man. Most of the problems in the house were because of her cooking. Although she made a great effort with the food, her husband did not like it at all. He constantly complained about her cooking, saying it was free of salt and flavor. However, his wife always tried to convince him that the food was delicious and did contain salt.
The wife lived a miserable life with her husband, enduring his harsh words every day. One day, her husband said to her: “I am tired of you; I will marry another woman if you do not cook good food for me.” Despite this threat, the wife remained the same. The next day, the husband brought a dress and said to her: “This is my new wife’s dress!”
This was a trick by the husband to make his wife change. He rented the dress and lied to her, saying he would get married in two days.
Two days later, the husband came home and took the dress to return it to its owner. An envelope fell from the dress, so the man opened it and found a message inside:
Dear sister, I wanted to tell you that my husband will marry you because my food does not contain salt! He is allergic to salt, so please don't put salt in the food at all, as salt is very harmful to him.
The husband felt remorse and realized how much his wife loved him. From that day on, he changed for the better, began to respect his wife, and treated her well.
9- Peace Lovers Story
William Penn's father was a general in the English navy and one of the most important leaders in the British army. He was famous for his impressive victories in many battles. One day, his son William joined a group that called themselves peace lovers and refused to fight. His father accused him of cowardice and then accused him of insanity.
William began preaching against war and promoting the love of peace. People despised and mistreated him, and he was arrested for his behavior and kept in prison. In prison, he demonstrated that he was ready to suffer rather than cause others to suffer. He stood bravely in front of the war supporters. Eventually, his father saw the truth in him and realized that while he himself was a war hero, his son was a hero of peace.
Later, William Penn established the great state of Pennsylvania. The state was inhabited by Native Americans, whom the white supremacists called savages. Wars were waged to expel the Native Americans from their land, resulting in many battles and deaths on both sides.
When William came to the state, he didn’t ask for guards or troops. Instead, he came himself and announced to the Native Americans that he had come as a friend and a brother. While murders occurred in all the other states, Pennsylvania, under William the Peacemaker, remained peaceful, with everyone living in safety and harmony.
If you are not a peacemaker, at least don't be a troublemaker.
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10- Power of Positive Thinking
Gandhi, the leader of India who taught people the meaning of peaceful struggle, said: “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
Indeed, India became independent through a peaceful struggle, not an armed one.
Positive Attitude Quotes
Inspiration comes from within yourself. You have to be positive. When you’re positive, good things happen.Deep Roy
Your positive actions, combined with positive thinking, result in success.
Shiv Khera
Your smile will give you a positive countenance that makes people feel comfortable around you.
Les Brown
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Sir Winston Churchill
Love yourself. It’s important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.
Jenn Proske
A strong, positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.
Patricia Neal
Stay positive and remember that a little optimism can open countless paths to happiness.
Here's the end of the stories.
See you in new stories ❤️
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